Pluto: Why It’s NOT a Planet?

Publicado por Prieto en


Welcome to the fascinating world of the Solar System! Today, we’ll delve into an intriguing question: Why is Pluto not considered a planet? Get ready to uncover the captivating story behind this enigmatic celestial object that has sparked controversy in the astronomical community for many years.

The Discovery of Pluto

Our journey begins in 1930 when American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh made a historic discovery. Observing the night sky from Lowell Observatory in Arizona, he identified a faint and distant point that, after further analysis, turned out to be a new celestial object. It was named «Pluto» after the Roman god of the underworld.

Pluto is a celestial body with unique features. It is much smaller than the traditional planets of the Solar System, such as Earth, Mars, or Jupiter. Additionally, Pluto has an unusual orbit that takes it across Neptune’s orbit at certain periods. It also possesses a moon, Charon, which is significantly large compared to the size of Pluto itself. Botón de Seguir en TikTok

For decades, Pluto was considered the ninth planet of the Solar System, a position taught in schools and reflected in textbooks. However, as science and technology advanced, astronomers began to question this classification.

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Journey Beyond Pluto: The Kuiper Belt

One of the discoveries that shifted the perspective on Pluto was the finding of the Kuiper Belt. This belt is a region beyond Neptune’s orbit that contains a large number of small objects, similar to Pluto, known as «transneptunian objects.» These objects share similar characteristics with Pluto, raising the question of whether Pluto should continue to be classified as a planet.

The Reevaluation of Pluto as a Dwarf Planet

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) made a crucial decision that would change the definition of a planet. Pluto was reclassified as a «dwarf planet» rather than a full-fledged planet. According to the new definition, a celestial body can only be considered a planet if it meets three criteria: it orbits the Sun, has enough mass for its gravity to make it spherical, and has cleared its orbit of other objects.

Arguments For and Against

The reevaluation of Pluto as a dwarf planet generated significant controversy and debates in the scientific community and among the general public. Below, we present some of the arguments for and against this decision.

Arguments For the Reclassification

  • Clear Criteria: The revised definition provides clearer criteria for the classification of celestial bodies, making it easier to understand and study the Solar System.
  • Kuiper Belt Connection: By classifying Pluto as a dwarf planet, its similarity to other objects in the Kuiper Belt is acknowledged, establishing a coherent category for them.
  • Scientific Update: The reevaluation reflects a more updated and precise approach to astronomical science.
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Arguments Against the Reclassification

  • Historical Significance: Pluto was the first object discovered in the Kuiper Belt and holds historical importance as the ninth planet for many years.
  • Public Confusion: The reclassification of Pluto has led to some confusion among the public and in the educational sphere.
  • Emotional Attachment: Pluto has been a cultural icon, and its change in status elicited an emotional reaction from many astronomy enthusiasts.

Dwarf Planets and the Importance of Pluto

Despite its reclassification, Pluto did not lose its scientific value. In fact, this new category allowed astronomers to discover other similar objects in the Solar System, enriching our knowledge of the formation and evolution of our cosmic neighborhood.

The Future of Space Exploration

As technology advances, it is likely that our understanding of Pluto and other objects in the Kuiper Belt will increase. Future missions could provide more information about the composition and origin of these celestial bodies, potentially unraveling some of the mysteries that still surround them.

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In summary, Pluto is a fascinating celestial object that has undergone an exciting journey in the history of astronomy. While it is no longer considered a planet, its reclassification as a dwarf planet has allowed for a better understanding of the diversity and complexity of our Solar System. Pluto continues to be a subject of interest and scientific exploration, and we are sure to discover more about this mysterious world in the years to come.

We hope you enjoyed this astronomical journey! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them. Until the next exploration of the universe!



Soy Prieto, fundador y editor de 'The Canary', un espacio dedicado a desvelar los misterios que rodean nuestra existencia y explorar lo desconocido. Me apasionan las teorías de conspiración, los fenómenos inexplicables y los aspectos más enigmáticos de la ciencia y la astronomía. A través de 'The Canary', busco ofrecer una plataforma para ideas audaces y descubrimientos sorprendentes. Este sitio es para aquellos que, como yo, comparten una curiosidad por lo desconocido y lo no convencional, invitando a mis lectores a abrirse a las posibilidades de lo que podría ser.

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